I Choose Me!™️

The Meaning
The Movement

The Method


The Meaning

"I Choose Me!™️" is a tapestry of personal growth, self-care, and healing from trauma. It's a conscious choice to prioritize oneself, intertwining the threads of inner strength and resilience. This mantra underscores self-worth and the journey toward inner transformation, especially for those navigating hidden struggles and emotional wounds. Choosing oneself leads us to guide the fabric of empowerment, constructing a sturdy foundation for enduring healing and personal growth.


How “I Choose Me!™️” Came to Be

The Me Too movement empowered survivors, but I was so ashamed that I couldn’t connect with its impact.

If not for readers' curiosity about my story in a book I authored, I would not have been led to a profound self-discovery.

I unearthed hidden behaviors I birthed to fit into a society that would never understand me.

I normalized and buried my self-blame, shame, silence, and denial for five decades;
I know I’m not alone!

We are NOT these behaviors, yet we act as if we are.

My unwavering quest, guided by the Universe, is to break the
silence and stigma surrounding hidden disabilities caused by

The Universe told me I was

“Born to Break the Shame.”

I Choose Me!™️ was this movement's natural evolution and rallying cry, embracing self-prioritization and self-discovery.

While the Me Too movement initiated a vital conversation, "I Choose Me!™️" extends support and healing to those like me who need it by opening the conversation and creating a judgment-free space for survivors to share their stories.

This movement unites survivors, recognizing our shared experiences.
It emphasizes supporting one another and breaking the cycle of silence and shame to facilitate social change.

"I Choose Me!™️" is a powerful reminder that survivors are not alone; their stories matter, contributing to collective healing. It invites us to reclaim our power, prioritize self-care, and embrace personal transformation.

Join today's "I Choose Me!™️" movement and be part of a powerful collective journey.

The Movement

The Unity Collective


Our Unity Collective, lovingly known as the Movement, has evolved from the depths of trauma. It's a sanctuary born from the shared experiences of survivors who understand the journey intimately.

In our gatherings, we've woven safety, care, and acceptance into a tapestry of healing. It invites survivors to unite, share their stories, and begin healing journeys. Our roots run deep in the belief that unity and heartfelt connections can be forged when we come together in community.

Here, survivors find not just empathy but also inner strength. We navigate the path of the Infinite Healing Principles as a community of kindred souls united in our resolve to break free from the shadows of silence and shame.

Unity Collective Cohorts

We prioritize creating a safe and non-judgmental environment in our weekly small group 8-person sessions.

Here, confidentiality, respect, and active listening are not just words; they are fundamental principles we uphold. We kick off each gathering with introductions and check-ins, allowing everyone to share their emotions openly.

As part of our commitment to your holistic well-being, you can expect to receive insights, meditation practices, and guidance that invite you to connect with your inner self and explore the spiritual dimensions of your healing journey. We're sensitive to the potential presence of trauma, so we carefully choose our language, offer you choices, and ensure you maintain control over your experience.

Our discussions span many topics, including relationships, healing, personal growth, and more. These conversations occur in an open, respectful, and enriching environment where your experiences, thoughts, and emotions are encouraged to be shared and valued.

Toward the end of each session, we may work together to set intentions or goals for your personal growth journey, allowing you to translate the insights gained into actionable steps for application in your daily life.


Survivors, your stories are not isolated; they are threads in the tapestry of healing. Take action, reclaim your power, prioritize self-care, and embrace personal transformation. Together, we break the chains of silence and shame, and in unity, we facilitate profound healing. Your story matters—let's rewrite it together.

Click here to learn how to join us in the next Unity Collective Cohort.

The Method


The EmpowerME Nexus

Step into the EmpowerMe Nexus, a profound space dedicated to learning, healing,
empowerment, and growth.

Our mission is crystal clear - we empower survivors of trauma and hidden disabilities through intimate programs grounded in the Infinite Healing Principles.

These programs guide you through releasing shame, cultivating profound healing, and rediscovering your identity. With the guidance of experienced mentors and tailored support, you'll transform your narrative and embrace a life of self-realization and limitless possibilities.

Our transformative programs, suitable for individuals and micro-groups of no more than four, nurture your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. Here, you'll weave the Infinite Healing Principles into your life, embracing vitality, resilience, clarity, and connection. This journey will elevate your being and unlock your untapped potential.

Our vision is equally powerful - we aim to bring lasting change to the lives of survivors.

  • We envision a world where individuals overcome past traumas and embody healing and personal growth.

  • Survivors cultivate resilience, authenticity, and empowerment in individual and micro-group settings, becoming beacons of positive change.

  • We aspire to contribute to a society that values healing journeys, embraces personal development, and weaves a shared story of strength and hope.

  • Our ultimate vision extends to a world where everyone discovers and harnesses their potential to create meaningful, enduring change.


Within the EmpowerMe Nexus, we forge a community of empowered individuals radiating positivity, resilience, and authenticity.


Isn’t it time for you to declare I Choose Me!™️