Health Affects of a Cat’s Purr

On my mind:

1. Health effects of cat purrs.

2. Abrupt behavior changes of said cat.

3. Divine timing.

4. Messages

Freya, my mini panther, only chooses me to hold her when I’m settled into my recliner for the evening.

I’m in that dang recliner every night, and sad to say, it magically turns into a bed once a week or so.

She lays on my massage table or floor by my drum when I'm upstairs working.

Three days ago (the number is not lost on me), she jumped up on my desk and crawled into my arms, snuggling into my neck and purring. Not just a purr and then relax, but an almost never-ending purr.

Each successive day, she has done it more frequently.

This morning, and it’s only been 3 hours (again, the magic number), she has made a point, 3 times, to jump on the desk, climb into my arms, snuggle my neck, and purr.

She is normally only an affectionate cat at night when I’m in my recliner; otherwise, she is skittish.

CLEARLY, this is a message.

How did I know there’s a health benefit with cat purrs?

IDK…the knowledge has always been there.

I still have some of my dad’s ‘prove it to me’ attitude, so I looked it up and found an article by Elizabeth Gray, who did all the research. A cat’s purr, 25 to 150 hertz, helps:

1. Decrease stress.

2. Lower blood pressure

3. Decrease the risk of heart attack

4. Promote bone healing (25 to 50 hertz are ideal for bone growth & healing breaks)

5. Improve breathing (100 hertz)

6. Decrease pain and swelling

7. Promote wound healing

CLEARLY this is a message.

I’ve been increasingly drawn to sound healing and sound healers. I am a sound healer. This is part of the journey.

Pondering (i.e., meditation, reflection, opening up to messages) will commence today.


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